Changes to my study progamme

When I first entered this faculty I was very excited because study pharmacy at the University of Chile sounded great in every way. However, after a time of a studying here my thoughts began to change a little, I started to find many flaws around...

One of these flaws are about the Study Program, I think that pharmacy is a really hard career. The days at the university are very long, it's practically all day, so if I could change anything I would shorten this because I think that some classes have too many hours and aren't taken advantage like calculus.

The long day also negatively affects the students because most of us live very far away and we lose hours in traveling to the university and when we arrive home it's only to continue studying.

I know that If the day were shorter we could take better advantage of our time.

About the subjects that I have to study, I think that it's a little boring but necessary because in pharmacy you need to know about all type of science, however, I don't like that the first two years are a baccalaureate for all the careers of the faculty because many of the things that era learned can be useful for biochemist, however maybe for a food engineer not. And it's not that I don't like to learn it's just that it makes me a little useless considering what I said earlier about the working day.

I would like the faculty facilities to be a little better, the laboratories to be bigger and more money to be allocated to our faculty, students need more space for studying. It isn't fair to know that when rains there isn't enough space for everyone.

Finally I would like to write that although the career and the university continue to have shortcomings I've seen the way in which it advances, before it was a bit strange to think that technology was going to be so necessary to learn. I've also compared the career with another university with greater economic resources and I realize that despite not having so much we learn with little, we learn to solve problems without so much technology, without having the best laboratories.


  1. I think the same, several classes are insufferably long.

  2. Hi, i am very agree that the first two years there are subjects that i feel are useless into the career, personally i didn't like them and they took up a lot of time.

  3. I also think that the subjets of the first two years should be shortened.:7

  4. Hi Moli, I totally agree with you about the lack of infrastructure and the very long periods of time in the faculty.


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