Time travel to the future

it would be amazing to see the world in a few years, maybe 2050, when steps have been taken to save the planet or at least I hope so. to be able to go to 2100 where the space race will be "ready" for its first trip to mars ,I like to think I'll be around by then but I'd be 101 years old, so I'd better get there in the best way I can.
The question of what time period I would like to be in is something I have asked myself, most of the time I come to the same conclusion, I would like to be in a period where humans can travel in space freely. I think we are in a period of transition, we discovered a lot of the wonders of our planet and now we are turning a lot to space, but we do not have the technology to satisfy our curiosity. I would love to be a spaceship pilot on some kind of cruiser or a merchant traveling through the dark galaxy.

This idea is maybe a little bit of a movie but it is what I would like, maybe the exact year I don't know but I will say something, I think it could be in the year 3000, like "Futurama" the animated series. 
We are in an era where some new discovery is asking to provoke a new area of research, I would love to see how we will come to solve our problems as humans.


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